Penn Systems Group A Division of Penn Record Systems Inc. |
Industriever - Vertical Lift Storage System
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Industriever - Vertical Carousel Storage System
The Industriever Vertical Carousel Storage and Retrieval Systems maximize small parts handling and materials control. Efficient, they increase productivity and save valuable floor space. The Industriever Vertical Carousel Storage system units are ideal for small parts assembly lines, warehousing, inventory storage, and work-in-process.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kompakt Movable Shelving Kompakt Movable Shelving storage systems accommodate various sizes of materials. Available in a mechanical assist or electronically controlled system, Kompakt offers economical high density hand loaded storage. It's easy to operate, saves space, and allows centralization of various small parts.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Movable Rack System The Movable Rack System lets you make the most of one of your company's biggest investments -- floor space. With racks mounted on movable carriages, the system creates access aisles -- for people and fork trucks -- only when and where they're needed. So aisles not in immediate use aren't taking up valuable floor space that could be devoted to revenue-producing activity.
Material Control System Software
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2275 Swallow Hill Road,
Pittsburgh, Pa 15220
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